Strategy Board

REP Strategy Board

Our Strategy Board meet once per half term to provide a governance function that fits within the overall governance structure of REP Schools, taking into account students, staff, parents and the local community. The strategic board is the partnership’s central decision-making body and represents all members and coordinates the work of the partnership.

The main functions are:

  • Providing clarity and vision and strategic direction
  • Overseeing educational and managerial performance, performance of its pupils and the well-being of staff.
  • Overseeing financial performance and making sure funds are correctly allocated.



The membership of the Board will consist of:

  • The Chair of the Strategy Board
  • The Chair of each SPG (representing Primary, Special or Secondary Schools)
  • A Local Authority Representative (as appropriate to be invited by the Board)
  • Partnership Operations Director
  • The Chairs of any Working Parties established by the Board will be co-opted onto the Board annually or until the group completes its work (whichever is the shorter). For example CPD, Procurement etc.
  • The Board will elect annually at the first meeting in the autumn term a Vice Chair from within the membership of the Board. In the absence of the Chair the Vice Chair will lead the meeting.


The Strategy Board will meet each half term. The dates to be set by the Chair in consultation with Members of the Board. However it is recognised that not all Members may be able to attend dates set. If the Chair of the SPG is unable to attend then the Vice Chair may attend in their absence.

The Analysis reports and Action Plans from each SPG are to be shared with the Board for their input. The Board will be a wider platform for the recognition of excellent practice and effective management of all resources.

If a school is in a difficult position the responsibility remains with the Board of Governors of the school. The structure of the SPG and the Strategy Board will be a conduit to provide support as requested.

Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes

The Chair will draw up the agenda for the meeting. The Administrator will distribute the agenda to all Members of the Board at least seven days in advance of the meeting where possible.

Any Member of the Board can request an item to be added to the agenda. This must be done in writing to the Administrator at least 10 days before the meeting if possible.

The Board will receive at each meeting reports from working parties, reports from each SPG along with consideration of any items from SPGs that they asked to be included in the agenda.

Once agreed by the Chair the minutes of the meeting will be circulated to every member of the Partnership for information.

Decision Making

Where possible decisions will be reached by consensus.

If agreement cannot be reached by consensus or the Chair feels it appropriate then decisions can be taken by voting with each member of the Board (excluding the Operations Director and Administrator) being eligible to vote. The decision will be reached by a majority and in the event of a tie the Chair will have a casting vote.

Changes to these Terms of Reference can only be made by the agreement of a majority of the Board.

Working Parties/Groups

The Board may establish Working Parties or Groups to carry out work on behalf of the REP. Terms of Reference will be agreed by the Board, along with the appointment of the Chair.

The minutes of each meeting will be presented to the Board once agreed by the Chair of the group.

The Board may disband a group when it feels it has completed its work or the objectives set for it.

The Role of the Strategy Board (2024-2025)

  • To create responsive CPD for member schools
  • To provide the link to the local authority and the Funding Forum
  • To set core agenda items for the SPG groups
  • The monitor the REP budget, receiving termly financial reports of income and expenditure
  • To provide overview communication back to member schools reflecting the work, responsibility, accountability and support functions of the Partnership
  • To make decisions on how the funding is spent
  • To review the Business Plan regularly, including subscription charges
  • To review the TOR annually
  • To receive report from each SPG
  • To set up and monitor any necessary working parties, in response to further identified need
  • To organise an annual Head Teacher conference
  • To consider the connection with school governance
  • To act upon any safeguarding concerns that are shared with the Board
  • Further develop notions of best practice, innovation and the encouragement of practice informed by research
  • Provide a more detailed analysis of standards in member schools
  • Co-ordinate a response to schools causing concern
  • To direct the work of the Operations Director, admin support, finance support, CPD Administrator and IT support.
  • To liaise with the local authority on services and support
  • To set and develop an agreed development plan for the year
  • To further explore legal responsibilities