Guidance for providers on applying for the third round of the higher technical education (HTE) skills injection fund.
Meeting digital and technology standards in schools and colleges
How schools and colleges can meet IT service and digital equipment standards.
Cyber security standards for schools and colleges
Find out what standards your school or college should meet on cyber security and user accounts.
Speech: Education Secretary speech at Education World Forum 2024
Education Secretary Gillian Keegan’s address at the Education World Forum in London.
Transparency data: New school proposals
Lists of local authorities seeking academy and free school proposers, and of all academies and free schools already set up.
Guidance: Subject knowledge enhancement (SKE): course directory
An overview and directory of subject knowledge enhancement courses for lead schools and initial teacher training (ITT) providers.
Guidance: Sustainability leadership and climate action plans in education
The Department for Education’s (DfE) sustainability leadership and climate action plans initiative.
Open consultation: GCSE computer science subject content update
We are seeking views on an update to the subject content for GCSE computer science.
Decision: Revised direction issued to North East Lincolnshire Council: June 2022
Revised statutory direction issued to North East Lincolnshire Council in relation to children’s services.
Research: SEND futures longitudinal study – discovery phase
Findings and methodology from the first year discovery phase of a longitudinal study looking at children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).